[NLD] Red E07X Pro 519a 5000k new driver.

by DigDugDangit


  1. DigDugDangit

    TA-DA! My new light came today. Did not think it was in that delivery, but here it is and its real nice. 3 other lights came also but this is the one. More later.

  2. Flashlightcrackhead

    Somebody do this with Mao-naise light.

  3. Damn, the Fire Engine Red is making the ketchup look like a faded pastel.🤣👌👌🔥🔥🔥🔥

    So glad you got yours in time for Christmas, and especially in red. Wouldn’t have it any other way for the Palette Bar King

  4. Looks amazing, dream light right there. Red is out of stock but one of these days I’ll get one…

    Anything noteworthy about the new driver yet?

  5. Nice! I pulled the trigger on the black body, had total FOMO on the new driver.

    Looks great!

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