Took my utx-70 to a local place that sharpens knives(and anything else) This is the result.

by Captn_Trouserz


  1. TheR4alVendetta

    Enjoy your new 70 they buy you. That edge looks burnt and uneven af. It also looks like they removed a fair amount of metal. Time to speak to the manager, Karen.

  2. Captn_Trouserz

    The thing that really gets me is, I’ve taken knives there in the past and have been very happy with the results. Idk what happened this time.

  3. You got fucked. Was it a licensed business or just someone who sharpens on the side. Either way I’d be back there pissed demanding a replacement.

  4. knife_go_live

    This is the most important reason why any knife enthusiasts needs to learn sharpening..if for no other reason.

  5. Pendexter

    Honestly that’s what I’d expect out of a sharpening place. I know many are better than that, but as soon as I saw the picture I knew exactly what the post was going to be.

    If for some reason I needed to take it somewhere, I’d talk to the guy and ask what equipment they use, what angle they sharpen at (or if they match existing) and what grits they use. If I didn’t like the answer to any of those questions I’d hop over to harbor freight or Wal-Mart and get a $5 stone.

  6. frankybling

    ouch… a pull through (fuck I said it) might have worked better

  7. Redbullbundy

    I just take them to microtech to sharpen for me.

  8. jonpaul2277

    I’ve had the same experience when I brought several of my favorite knives to a place that I thought would do a good job. I was so angry when I got my knives. I will always trust myself to get the job done. It was not hard to gain confidence in my ability to sharpen a knife. Now I think of those clowns every time I sharpen a blade and think how much money I saved as well as how much better my edges are.

  9. sonnythedog

    Yup. Same thing happened to my brother he tool his Benchmade to one of mall ninja sharpening places at the mall. The dude just put the blade on a grinder and even took off the serrated half of the blade. Sucks.

  10. CaptainFCO

    Did they fall asleep while machine grinding the back of the blade. Jeez! How can they give it back like this?!

  11. Nekommando

    showside was kinda OK but the otherside ….

    UTX70 is probably too small to be held consistently and comfortably. prolly gonna need to tape off the rest of the blade and sharpen at very shallow angle on coarse soak stones to fix this

  12. Basehound

    Buy a Ken onion worksharp elite …. And never look back .

  13. diablito916

    you got the “anything else” treatment

  14. I think you forgot to post the ‘after’ pics!


    Wow they let the new guy transition from lawn mower blade to yours as the next step in honing his skills 😭

  16. KuroKen70

    Oh God. I have nightmares about this sort of thing

  17. RoomFinancial

    I use an overpriced wicked edge, works great but I regret spending as much as I did on it, there’s systems just as good for less than half the price.

  18. trace_decay03

    Damn, haven’t sharpened any of my knives yet (still new to knife collecting) but I will definitely do it myself haha. RIP your blade

  19. Techyness

    Ask him to replace it with one of his cool ass knives if he has any. Too bad this won’t even slash his tires

  20. immoralfoul

    Yeah a lot of retail sharpening places most actually don’t really deal with high quality steel.
    They just sharpen tools and maybe some knives but not high quality ones like that.

  21. Ohio-Knife-Lover

    Rule number 1 about local places: Ask for examples of their work. Rule number 2: ask them how they’re sharpening their knives. Rule number 3: take before and after pictures

  22. JakeSaco

    I don’t get it. Anyone who has ever browsed this sub knows not to take their knife to anyone else for sharpening. Either learn to do it yourself or send it back to the original manufacturer/maker for sharpening *(even if it costs a bit more money*), but no one else should touch it. This is doubly true for any knife that costs 3 figures or more.

  23. Did they use a bench grinder?? Holy cow. I’m sorry dude, that’s a rough one.

  24. Dull_Ad_704

    That’s why microtech forbidden sharpening knives to customers back in the days

  25. I really hate this. If I ever did this my customers would kill me. People who do work like this give professional sharpeners a bad name and I hate it.

  26. VisualBusiness4902

    Let me know how much a ultratech blade replacement ends up being haha. They do offer it. I have a tanto blade I dicked up I’d like replaced lol. It happens to everyone now and then huh.

  27. Erdnuss-117

    Giving your knife to someone to sharpen them is like giving your gf/wife to someone else for a good railing. You should be good at doing that yourself.

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