You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

by Fluid_Resident_3458


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  2. sleepwalkfromsherdog

    Least “fucking stupid” challenge coin there is. Keep it up.

  3. spaceisnotthathard

    That’s an achievement and a half man. Congrats.

  4. SmokyDragonDish

    Congratulations! I’m celebrating 12 years early next year!

  5. Texas-Republic

    Don’t know you personally, but proud of you bro.

  6. Recent-Syllabub-5438

    I jsut carry the oldest quater i can find witxh so far ia 65

  7. Oct3ismybirthday

    Challenge coins with skulls and logos are kinda cool to my inner child.

    This is cool to my now self. Hell yeah mang.

  8. I love seeing these pop up every now and again. I’m celebrating 7 years tomorrow

  9. Just came back from an AA meeting from a neighbouring city. We visited them with my group from my current city.

    We had 19 people, which according the founders there is an absolute Christmas miracle /English speakers in a non-English speaking country/

    Its hard to describe how helpful and generous the people ive met so far in such groups.

    Congrats, truly! Im only rocking 5 days so far so its nothing compared to your achievement, but youve become another motivation for me for the day:)

    IWNDWYT and congrats again!

  10. SenorDevil

    Victorinox makes some of the best bang for the buck watches

  11. Copropostis

    Challenge coins you bought are lame.

    Challenge coins you earned are different.

    Congrats, and keep it up!

  12. 6 and 1/2 years in and I still don’t have any. I tell myself they’re dumb every year and then around my date I start googling them and realize it won’t get to me in time then I regret it once the day has passed and then a week later say “nah, that’s lame, maybe next year”

  13. doggscube

    Good job. Took me 10 years to get my first brass one and I was so excited my wife got me a key ring holder for it

  14. defusted

    Yeah but this coin actually means something. Keep it up

  15. BassPro0760

    True, true. I never got challenge coins either. But I just got my 3 yr coin and carry it everywhere. You make a great point. Thanks for posting, and congrats!

  16. Ayyy! I have 3 years myself!

    Keep coming back! It works if you work it!

  17. SeaLeggs

    What’s a challenge coin?

    And what is this coin?

  18. Garmgarmgarmgarm

    AA/NA coins>Military challenge coins> LEO challenge coins.

  19. RaunchyMuffin

    It’s literally a military tradition to carry a challenge coin.

  20. Been like 48 hours for me, still a long way to go. But 2023 shall be my first completely sober year since around 2010

  21. entrailsAsAbackpack

    Have you actually used it as a challenge coin?

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