My girlfriend said my new knife is ugly

by Double2Wild


  1. Trumpassassin777

    I would say: this knife has character

  2. RecognitionHefty

    I hope your taste in women is better than your taste in knives

  3. Good_Tension5035

    I mean, she’s right.

    This knife is a workhorse though. It’s not made to be pretty.

  4. Status-Lengthiness40

    Gotta be honest. It is pretty ugly. I like the handle though.

  5. a_cycle_addict

    Lot of unnecessary chisel strikes. Beautiful is in the eye of the knifeholder.

  6. iDrewziIIa

    Agreed, it’s ugly…. But I bet it could put in some serious work.

  7. needsmoreusernames

    I heard your new knife say your old girlfriend is ugly

  8. SnooCapers3527

    Your girl friend should support you like you would her.

  9. MountainShark1

    I can see you had trouble with the pin closest to the bit of the handle. Went in a little angled. Nice handle, strong looking blade, design is a little clunky.

  10. Arios_CX3

    There’s a lot of uneven spots on the blade, but the handle and sheath look nice

  11. idle_monkeyman

    Yeah, she ain’t wrong, but if you keep it in the sheath until you need to kill the bear you’ll be ok.

  12. Green-Walk-1806

    Those 45 marks on the Blade are from past girlfriends who said the exact same thing!Lol 🤣😅

  13. Puzzled-Tadpole2658

    It’s ugly but I also think it’s cool af

  14. Coolhuman1505_

    Honestly, it is ugly. But in a rugged way. I like it.

  15. RilohKeen

    And boy is she right.

    Bet it does work like a beast though.

  16. SanchoMontoya

    The knife is ugly, but there’s nothing wrong with that. She just told you the truth.

  17. Benbean27

    It’s not good looking in the conventional way, but it has a charm to it because how rugged and rigid it is.

  18. I would use the term “rugged”. I like it

  19. MoistMaker_69420

    Well, she seems to have good taste then, giving you the benefit of the doubt. It is a pretty ugly knife OP

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