My girlfriend said my new knife is ugly

by Double2Wild


  1. It looks exactly it should.
    But you can file a bit and make thi lines a bit more even and straight. Looks i does the job now

  2. Painted_smile_0

    Doesn’t matter how it looks. Does it cut? Yes? Then its good enough

  3. shatswell1377

    I know who would be getting my dick in a box for christmas!

  4. thepottsy

    Well, the next time she asked if an outfit makes her look fat. You know what you need to do.

  5. Fl1kaFl4me

    Looks like the classic knife from CSGO. Can I get an ID?

  6. Sorry but she speaks wrong. Looks just fine for me personally but for non knife folks, knives look all the same and you might as well be open carrying a firearm.

  7. soggypotatoknees

    Damn that is an ugly knife. Good thing being good looking isn’t a knifes job.

  8. Shazzzam79

    Just tell her you are attracted to ugly things… Then pat her on the shoulder and walk away.

  9. Rootelated

    Did you make it? If so yeah she can go on somewhere. Find her a dollar general employee with no side skills

  10. SmylesLee77

    She is right. Was the knife made in prison?

  11. Shoddy_Basket_7867

    I mean it is. But that’s the point of a knife like that.

  12. If it looks stupid and it works, it isn’t stupid!

  13. CircleK-Choccy-Milk

    Oh ya man, she’s right about that. Looks like someones first attempt at making a knife.

  14. lIlIllness

    She’s a keeper. Honesty is a rare and valuable quality these days. Give her something wonderful for Christmas

  15. Khronokai1

    I’m surprised nobody has said it and bothered to defend it, but this is definitely a Pakistani knife. It doesn’t matter what someone else told you it was, plenty of people in the USA claiming these knives were made by a professional knife maker in the US and selling them at knife shows. Plenty of antique places selling them also. It doesn’t matter what people say.

    The star emblem found on 99% of Pakistani (star of Oklahoma or something, they must of got a good deal on them) is a dead give away, leather quality, the stamps on the leather, decorative thin handle pins, overall quality, etc etc is a pretty clear indicator. (Let me guess, the fuller between the two pieces of leather is some kind of black foam looking rubber?)

    I have one that’s Damascus, paid $10 and it’s my favorite knife. I have a “1095 steel” that I’ve taken bushcrafting and beat the ever living snot out of and it’s held up fine. I’m not saying this to be mean or anything, but once you realize it’s all made out of random recycled metal picked straight up off the dirt floor and tossed into a furnace with no temperature measurements you’ll realize why people choose to stay away from them. They are a gamble at best.

    The best knives are the ones you don’t mind using and abusing and in that respect I think you’ll be very pleased with it.

  16. Partyslayer

    I mean…erm…it’s kind of, I dunno…

  17. Caiomhinn

    Time for a new girlfriend too 🤷‍♂️

  18. Nick_Newk

    Looks like it was sharpened with an angle grinder.

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