Was glad to see my knife came from earth

by Opposite_Nectarine12


  1. cyclefreaksix

    They’ve been putting that on their USA made knives since the early 80’s

  2. GrimmWilderness

    820 Spyderco Way, Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., Earth, Sol, Milky Way.

  3. bootyLiQa

    Doesn’t the font usually have a slight curve it it?

  4. The quality control is much better than the spyderco knives from Mars

  5. Phew I’m glad they put that cs I was wondering what planet it came from

  6. Potential-Most-3581

    IDK it would have been cooler if it said Caprica

  7. Earth ain’t good enough; you have to at least make sure you’re getting your knives from the proper dimension in space time.

  8. bnjrgold

    until you reverse the clip you are from a different planet

  9. joej666777

    At least it wasn’t made in China. Wait…

  10. WalkingDisaster1001

    Truthfully, knives from earth are kind of sketchy on quality control, considering it is a galactic back water…

    Just saying…

  11. AdDazzling9664

    That’s what the martians want you to think (joke)

  12. urfuckinggay69

    You never know, there might be a day when things are made on other planets

  13. kewlstuff11

    That’ll teach them aliens to fuck with you. Earth steel muthafukka!

  14. guessineedanew1

    Somewhat off topic, but I’ve been wondering for a while. Is the “default” delica the lightweight one? As far as I can tell, all the FRN ones weigh ~70 g, and the zome one (which I know for certain only comes in LW) I got direct from the factory in Golden, Colorado, U.S.A. Earth definitely has the steel liners, which I was under the impression are what usually get cut to make the lightweight version of a given knife.

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