Bit the bullet and paid the Butterfly tax today.

by RunningTwin


  1. lurker-1969

    Mine’s a hard working ranch knife. Great when you have gloves on.

  2. birdsbeaks

    why do people brag about paying the “butterfly tax?”

    with the number of manufacturers competing to deliver fresh designs composed of premium materials and demonstrating impeccable FnF, I’m having a hard time understanding why someone would be proud of purchasing a tool from a brand that is known to charge a “tax” (added cost without added value) for their offerings?

    I’ve purchased some fairly expensive knives, but I feel like most of them also represented an exceptional value for the time, effort, and materials needed to produce.

    I don’t think I’d ever knowingly purchase a knife where the cost exceeded the value of what I was receiving.

    is it just a masochistic tendency or is there additional value present that I’m missing?

  3. ImFrenchSoWhatever

    My favourite knife that’s not for cooking. My wife got me the all black one for Christmas and I’m in love

  4. evrtt2009

    Just wanna say that’s some awesome photo quality

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