Gifted my buddy a Civivi Nox for Hanukkah, he dropped it on his leg and….

by Manifestgtr


  1. MissingMichigan

    Looks like he needs to put some of that rubbery sports tape on it.

  2. Ok-Interview-3241

    At least it was a sharp knife. A jagged dull blade would have been worse.

  3. sequoiaplisken

    Put on your yarmulke, get stabbed by a Civivi Noxica!!

  4. Ohiogarbageman

    If you want to play hacky sack with a knife, close it first

  5. fuckulousfuckerfuck

    And see people…… this is why we need guns, knives are very dangerous

  6. TreaclePerfect4328

    Looks at Backlash….don’t get any ideas buddy….

  7. Rhapakatui

    Y’all must’ve forgotten the old superstition. A free knife will cut you. Always give the giver a penny.

  8. Damnnnnn I got my dad a civivi for Christmas. He has yet to be bitten.

  9. FenderGuitarsRock

    Oh Man ! this reminds me .. They don’t call that area between your knees and groin the ” Triangle of Death ” for nothin’

    Watch those femoral arteries.

  10. DingusTaargus

    Still gonna have to see it cut a piece of paper before I can judge whether it’s sharp or not.

  11. PlutoniumIngot-

    I’ve managed only a single tiny scratch all year, I am just waiting to slice a finger off

  12. PerceptionVarious443

    He’s going to need stitches. Or use the bandaids that keep wounds like that closed. Been there

  13. ender3838

    Looks so similar to when I accidentally hit my knee with a hatchet while splitting wood.

  14. ghouleon2

    What moves faster than light? The freshly sharpened knife you just dropped.

  15. WhitewolfStormrunner

    😬 “Yowtch” is a HUGE understatement here.😬😵

  16. trace_decay03

    Damn. Bet that took a lot of stitches to patch up.

  17. ADSMFreddy

    I have an exact cut on the same place on my leg we are now brothers

  18. Tightisrite

    Whaaa he dropped on his leg from throwing it 40 feet in the air ??

  19. purple_adv

    As someone who’s currently nursing the cut of a 940 Osbourne, I hope he gets well soon. And now he’s got the benefit of owning his civivi

  20. BeyondThePaleBox

    Put a couple dots above it for eyes.

  21. That’s such a terrible spot to cut himself. Every time he has to tie his shoes he’s going to open it right back up. Maybe get him a pair of slippers to wear until he heals 😂

  22. freeshavocadew

    Gonna be scar twins with me! I was 12-13 and playing with a SHARP folding knife cutting and slicing up plastic bags when accidentally slashed down while lunging and wouldn’t you know – cut down to the fat in my thigh right above my knee leaving a 2.5-3 inch wide hole rather than a simple gash there. It didn’t even bleed much at first, somehow I missed cutting large capillaries.

    I went to my mom, down a flight of stairs with a recently laundered and now water and blood soaked (more water than blood) washcloth. She, surprisingly did not panic and just drove me to a walk-in clinic where a doc/nurse put 5-6 sutures in place while barely resisting calling me a stupid kid when I told him how I did what I did. I felt stupid, and I’ve always treated knives with a lot more respect since then.

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