When you reach in your pocket for your flashlight and don’t feel it at first, but it just fell to the bottom.

by stavigoodbye


  1. HMS_Hexapuma

    There was a time I didn’t realise my back pocket had developed a hole and things were falling into the lining of my trousers. I found a memory stick in the ankle and a magnet in my crotch once I realised what had happened.

  2. Strpedswteralthetm

    I had a heart attack one day thinking I left my Wizard attached to the chassis of a truck that was making a delivery at my workplace. I was helping the driver diagnose what was wrong with his scales.

    It was in the headband.

    On my head.

  3. Bioforest

    I hate when that happens with x75, have heart attack each time.

  4. SoakedSeahorse

    That initial feeling of a missing flashlight is 10x worse when you’re in aircraft maintenance.

  5. iLikeGuns40

    Just happened to me this morning while driving down the road

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