Beer, comics and knives of course are some of mine. Curious about everyone else’s!

by Lampropeltis33


  1. cannuckwoodchuck13

    Woodworking, listening to Marty Robbins, precision rifle shooting.

  2. Various-Catch-113

    Motorcycles, photography, pipe smoking, writing poetry, and collecting automotive, motorcycle, and racing books.

  3. Lazy_Analyst1689

    My hobbies are in a rotation, but it cycles between knives, guns, PC stuff, golf, and now watches.

  4. fishingwith1knife

    Wait, we’re allowed to like things other than knives? Seem like a trick. I’m sticking to sharp and pointies 🤣🤣

  5. Tom_Michel

    World of Warcraft. Houseplants. Researching random obscure topics that pop into my head.

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