Olitans T024, awesome cheap knife for your toolbox/car/tacklebox.
I like this knife more than I probably should, albeit for a few minor flaws. I very much dislike the fluorescent yellow backspacer; I don’t mind it being G10, but it was utterly pointless for Olitans to copy the same flouro-yellow that Leatherman used on their Garage knife, when everything else is quite different. Thankfully the blue Kizer pocket clip I swapped on looks alright. Olitans needs to ditch their shitty blobby text logo and just keep using the simple round one like you see on the blade here; the pocket clip that came with this, while nice, has that shitty logo etched into it. Shame, as it was nicely polished and worked quite well.
Overall, an easy 7/10. Silly design choice with the backspacer and etched pocket clip, less-than-great but still usable steel blades, comfortable grip, 3x super thin/slicey blades that can be sharpened, Ti scales, SUPER smooth action, less than $60. Could be lighter, scales don’t have any milling on the back side. Toss it in a toolbox, tacklebox, glove box… it’ll make a great little beater knife. I cut some PVC, styrene, and double-walled cardboard with it today, doesn’t look or feel like it’s at all lost its edge.
by shoostar813