Decided to swap a 519a 2700k into an sc31 pro. Right after the soldering, turned it on and it worked fine. I tested it on turbo for less than a minute and it’s working fine still. Later I had it on medium/low and the light is now flickering, and later it would not turn on moonlight and any low brightness (holding down for the ramp it wouldn’t turn on until around medium). And then it began smoking which I thought it was just the excess flux burning off and then the led blinked out and died. what went wrong? btw I dedomed it from frustration after it kicked the bucket

tldr- new led swap died a few minutes after previously working

by Revenge447

1 Comment

  1. Money_Scientist622

    The solder joints are no good. Make sure you lift the led out of the housing or you won’t be able to get enough heat into it

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