[Mateminco MT35 Mini-S](https://preview.redd.it/719i5v9izzpd1.jpg?width=2343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb688288d35ea8e4acc7989a6740ec79f7a270cf)

[Mateminco MT35 Mini-S Auxiliary](https://preview.redd.it/yzrwqm1pzzpd1.jpg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92152aabdb13734b1e9e0e394d68a57f1014d3ca)

[Mateminco MT35 Mini-S Auxiliary](https://preview.redd.it/ycjtl7zuzzpd1.jpg?width=2293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a2b8f879c4f58bc5d4be9f0ebb9153ef993f4f)

This may or may not be of interest to a lot of people but I like this light so much that I decided to do a post on it and share it with everyone. This mod was done on the Mateminco MT35 Mini-S. This particular version of the MT35 Mini-S is the Anduril version with the Auxiliary lights. What an awesome little thrower this thing is! The stock SST-40 was swapped out and the FFL505A was swapped into its place. The 95 CRI rating that the FFL505A has makes everything you point the light at very pleasing to look at, (except for an angry BIGFOOT). The FFL505A makes this already good thrower into an excellent thrower. This is now my farthest throwing 18650 form factor light that I currently own. Compared to my Lumintop GT Micro CSLNM1 (14500), the hot spot is the same size but the MT35 Mini-S is a little bit brighter, has a more defined hot spot, and throws visibly farther. In comparison to my Convoy C8+ CULPM1, the MT35 Mini-S is a little less bright but it too throws visibly farther as well, not by a lot but it still beats it. I wanted the best performance for this light so I tested out four different cells and performed an amp draw via the tail cap for each cell. The four cells that were tested are the Molicel P28A 18650, Samsung 30Q 18650, Samsung 25R 18650, and the Sony/Murata VTC6 18650. Each cell was brand new and fully charged to 4.2v. The Ambient Temperature on the light was set to 20 degrees Celsius and the Thermal Limit was set to 60 degrees Celsius. Here are the results in TURBO Mode:

**Molicel P28A 18650:** *Runtime for this configuration was 53 minutes which started in Turbo Mode and ended when Low Voltage Protection (LVP) activated at 2.8v.*

* 9.2A @ start
* 8.6A @ 30 seconds
* 8.5A @ 1 minute
* 8.4A @ 1.5 minutes

**Samsung 30Q 18650:** *Runtime for this configuration was 60 minutes which started in Turbo Mode and ended when Low Voltage Protection (LVP) activated at 2.8v.*

* 8.9A @ start
* 8.4A @ 30 seconds
* 8.2A @ 1 minute
* 8.2A @ 1.5 minutes

**Samsung 25R 18650:** *Runtime for this configuration was 46 minutes which started in Turbo Mode and ended when Low Voltage Protection (LVP) activated at 2.8v.*

* 8.9A @ start
* 8.2A @ 30 seconds
* 8.1A @ 1 minute
* 8.0A @ 1.5 minutes

**Sony/Murata VTC6 18650:** *Runtime for this configuration was 60 minutes which started in Turbo Mode and ended when Low Voltage Protection (LVP) activated at 2.8v.*

* *8.4A @ start*
* *8.0A @ 30 seconds*
* *7.9A @ 1 minute*
* *7.9A @ 1.5 minutes*

[Mateminco MT35 Mini-S with FFL505A 6500k](https://preview.redd.it/mzbq46ad00qd1.jpg?width=1322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80022fc9486197cd9fae7abb4c8342e330cbf3f)

[Mateminco MT35 Mini-S with FFL505A 6500k](https://preview.redd.it/ibtk8hgj00qd1.jpg?width=3032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40864037269fc36a7dba2ca786b226413d70ada)

I would like to thank Jackson Lee from [jlhawaii808.com](http://jlhawaii808.com/) for doing this mod for me. He did an excellent job, was very informative throughout the whole process, and shipped the light out within 24 hours of job completion. I am very satisfied with this light the way it is now and can easily say that it is one of my all time favorites and in my top 3 for sure.

by FlashlightNews

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