Pelican case came from an op shop/thrift store for maybe $10 or $20. Cheap but decently for short distance 26650 UV lights wedged in by foam. 3 x Alonefire SV52s and a Convoy M21A in centre, held in some siliconed-together pieces of vacuum cleaner tube. A bunch of kids joining the opal hunting tonight, so will try them with the S2/S2+s, as they’re in closer proximity to the ground and should be able to get by with the lesser powered ones. Those are in some silicone and zip tied together pieces of corrugated tubing, like used for a washing machine outlet.

Cheapo minimal lights on key chains I’ve been trying as alternative to headlamps. Not great, Olight imini 2s would be simpler. And a few HD15Rs acting as temporary 18650 chargers, while awaiting new chargers.

Was thinking for next case for other UV lights, I may try protecting the lights in some rubber and filling area with expanding foam, letting the lights act as molds. Will update if that goes horribly right.

by ljsdotdev

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