Baton Turbo is quite the chonker. Feels quite a bit larger in hand compared to the TS12. The switch is very nice. Beam is centered.

TS12 beam is much cleaner looking. Like a pure white look compared to the pale green looking Turbo beam. The TS12 has a tighter spot with more corona. Much wider spill. Baton Turbo has pretty narrow spill it has a deeper reflector. Pic 7 is a wide shot you’ll need to click it to see the comparison.

Biggest difference is the mode spacing. Low, High, and Turbo are the same per the spec sheets. Medium on the Baton is 60lm vs TS12 at 120lm. Sacrifice a lot of runtime at 120lm but imo I’d rather have it higher. Ideally these lights split the difference and had Medium around 90lm.

High: Baton – 26000cd / TS12 – 30000cd
Turbo: Baton – 60000cd / TS12 – 57000cd

Baton doesn’t seem as bright to me maybe it’s the cleaner TS12 beam playing with my eyes but the candela measures about the same. Or I lost some sort of flux lottery on the Baton.

by bunglesnacks

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