It’s been awhile since I’ve gotten any new lights so was way overdue. I started off with a pair of Peak LED Solutions Eigers, AAA lights with 519a in 4500k. These are great lights, well built and very robust, the SS Ultra hasn’t left my person since I got it.
Next came the Malkoff MDC AA with SST20 (95 CRI/4000k), another awesome light. It has three modes with fantastic spacing and a very low-low, great beam and excellent mechanical switch.
Finally the Reylight Lanapple…impressive on paper, looks pretty in hand, but…one of the main features I look for in a flashlight is that it turns on when asked to, and here is where the Lanapple fails; It doesn’t work with the head screwed all the way on with ANY battery type including Panasonic Enloops. I can modify it to mostly work by unscrewing the head, and this is the same with all four battery chemistries tried. It’s a real shame, had high hopes for this one, and it is nice when it decides to work. Which brings me to the question: Are all the Reylights junk or is this just an anomaly that is easily fixed?

by Microtomic603

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