I got it yesterday straight from Acebeam.

Six hours later it still pulls 10mA from the charger and the battery voltage reached 4.24V. It would probably go even higher if I didn’t stop it.

I’ve sent the email to Aceabeam about it and I’m awaiting their reaction.

Anyone else got similar symptoms?

by macomako

1 Comment

  1. Streamtronics

    Do you have a more precise multimeter you could use? I don’t know the spec of that meter but the least significant digit being off by 2 or 3 counts wouldn’t be surprising. Also 4.24V is technically within the usual 4.2V ±0.05V spec of many chargers (although of course we’d like to see it at or even slightly below 4.2V). 4.24V is also not really unsafe and the battery protection circuity (hopefully) keeps the cell safe. Still raises an eyebrow for sure

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