6500K Q8+, 1.5-2 years old, using the included 5000mAh sofirn brand 21700’s, tailsprings bypassed with 18awg, noticed a burnt emitter after sustained turbo of around 1min.

Cells were fully charged or close to it at the time, >4.1V. Thermal step down may or may not have kicked in, don’t remember. Don’t remember what I have the ceiling set to either but probably 55 or higher.

Was going to swap the emitter because I actually have a spare 6500k xhp50.2 lying around until I noticed just now after taking this picture that another emitter is starting to burn too. So idk, might put an sft40 there or something. Not looking for solutions or anything, it’s nbd, just reporting it

by Various-Ducks

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