There are three different UV Convoys in the S2/S2+ host available:

* [Convoy S2+ purple UV 365nm Nichia 276A]( (Driver: 7135\*3 1050mA)
* [Convoy S2 black UV CUN66A1B]( (Driver : 7135\*3)
* [Convoy S2 gray UV CUN66A1G]( (Driver: 7135\*5 , Because the voltage of UV led is relatively high, the maximum output current is usually about 1.2A)

Which one has the highest output?

Do they differ in beam shape? Which one is the most floody?

“The linear driver is not the greatest for driving UV LED’s. You basically can only use the top half of the battery’s charge before it can’t adequately supply enough voltage for the light to work well.” – Is this the same for all three types of UV LED?

I am trying to decide if one of them would be good enough for charging glow-in-the-dark discgolf frisbees with the 18350 short tube.

by AccurateJazz

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