This night my Emisar D4V2, linear driver, went crazy. I was sleeping but my wife had to close it in a drawer as it was flashing all colors, and pressing the button didn’t stop it. It was like a discotheque, she said. She didn’t know she could have unscrewed the head or the tail, not blaming her… I’m the flashlight snob in the family, not her 😅

Well. This morning it was still flashing all colors in my drawer. The button was unresponsive. I had to unscrew and it went fine.

I noticed that black spot in the middle. Look at the center of the head… looks like something melted down!!! And another component, the yellow one, looks like a big balloon going to explode…
It’s still working but I don’t trust it anymore. There’s also some smell of burnt plastic.

What do you think has happened?
Should I toss it?

by silver_85


  1. Isnt the black spot in the middle just the black cable? Did you know that you can just unscrew the front ring and remove the optics to take a better look?

  2. bunglesnacks

    Unless you take the bezel and optic out and inspect it I don’t think you can say anything is wrong.

  3. That looks exactly like my “still in great working condition” D4V2, DW4, and KR4. And yes, when the aux lights are in “Disco mode” that’s how they do. Most of my lights are a solid color that varies with voltage. When I need them off, I hit 7C a few times to cycle through to OFF.

    The wires from the driver to the emitters comes up through the middle of the MCPCB. One of those wires is black. The only yellow I see is the domes of the emitters that are magnified by the optics. I suppose that domed emitters look like “yellow balloons” though.

    Overall, I’m not seeing anything out of the ordinary. No melting or anything. The driver is well hidden by the emitter board, so you won’t see any actual electronic components. Maybe if you unscrewed the bezel and removed the optic…

    I’m curious what sort of button-mashing your wife did. I see it as unlikely that she did any “Hold” commands, as most Muggles won’t. And I think anyone in the room would’ve notice if it were looping a Voltage or Version check 3C or 15+ C) and blinking full-blast. That would generate some heat though. Momentary Mode (5C) and Lockout (4C) are possibilities, but they’d also respond.

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