Some shots of the emitters in my Convoy S21G Ti (SFT-40), S2+ Circuit Board (519a) and Fenix PD36 TAC (SST-70).

Was looking for a companion to this lineup and started diving into B35AM and even XHP50.3 HI R9050. Maybe something different.

What is your favourite emitter?
Does architectural design and emitter “quality” fit and finish has to do anything or simply the light it produce, close to the meaning of photo realism. When the light produces a feeling that anything you put your light on is made from the highest grade camera and it looks as close to or even enhance natural or artificial lighting “normally” produced.

There is more to flashlights than just producing “light” and a need is met. Sometimes you want more. You want the best. Subjectively so.

by Serpenteq

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