Found this in a bag of knives my dad gave me. It’s literally just a small sword

by manychins5


  1. WindowShoppingMyLife

    And a sword is literally just a big fucking knife, when you get right down to it. The difference is a matter of degrees.

  2. FullFrontalNoodly

    Between that and the Buck 110 I’m curious what else was in the bag.

  3. heavyonthahound

    Awesome dad gives awesome bag ‘o knives

  4. WaylonGreyjoy

    He just gave you a bag of knives? Your dad sounds awesome.

  5. That’s a cool knife OP. Have fun with it for us all will ya? 👊

  6. Complex-Wedding-7572

    What the SR-1 felt like the first time I touched it.

  7. Girthquake2654

    I bought one of these when i worked at a knife store just because i had an excuse to carry it around and it truly as ridiculous as it seems, just because it was so big and unwieldily (even compared to a fixed blade because at least they have more compact and ergonomic handles) it led to me carrying small a small slipjoint knife with it and that developed into an actual liking for small slipjoints. now i often carry a large (3-4.5″ i learned my lesson) locking folder and a small congressman or trapper knife that ideally compliments the look of the other knife/pocket stuff

    Edit: i realize that sounds really bad but it was also hilariously fun to use. because of the size it always gives a big mechanical sounding click when opening and especially when i gravity flicked it (blades so heavy/long that if your knife is smooth you kinda just can) the sort of wave opener was hit or miss but when it hit it really god damn hit and was super fun even more so for someone like me who cant get autos but having handled a couple it gives the same snappy authoritative feel that some autos do and is def worth picking up if you wanna blow some money on a fun knife just for the hell of having one

  8. TimeShareOnMars

    Neat. Keep posting pics. That cold steel is a fun one.

  9. Old steel? I was on the fence about it. How does it feel?

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