Great grandpas 1924 edc pocket book

by Girthquake2654


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  2. Girthquake2654

    – pocket book made in 1921/22 used by my great grandfather in 1924

    Sorry if this isnt the sort of thing you guys want to see but since its kind of edc related i thought id share, this is the diary my great grandfather carried every day to chart down major events like news, weather, local happenings, and his work/pay does anyone know where to get a similar book today? It seems really handy and the formatting/maps etc seem like theyd be good to have.

  3. DoItAllButNoneWell

    I have my grandfather’s nearly 100 year old ham radio log book… I’ll have to get pics.

  4. thecarbohydratedone

    This is why I do the standard memorandum every day. I’d like to think/hope my kids will be curious about life and the day to day activities and current events when they are older.

    Good stuff ! Cherish it man

  5. No_Cranberry2755

    6′ and 235lbs

    Your gramps was a big guy for the time. Large humans unite.

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