Jumbo Shrimp: Demigods of the Krill

by totcczar


  1. totcczar

    My holiday project this year was building extra large glow tubes – essentially Krill on steroids. My first prototype was a mess – I added clear epoxy to seal the inside of the tube and it leaked everywhere, but the [20cm x 15cm electroluminescent panel from Adafruit](https://www.adafruit.com/product/414) and a 50mm OD acrylic tube from Amazon were keepers for the next attempt. I designed and 3D printed end caps and some internal tubing to keep the panel in place, and it all came together pretty nicely. The switches are inset, so the magnetic ends let you attach either end to something. I’ve got thin rubber matting on order so they will hang sideways – the magnets are [edit] *strong* enough, but the plastic slides. 8 AA cells power them. They are quite bright, all things considered, for about 8 hours, and they were still going 20 hours later when I stopped the test, but they were fairly dim.

  2. totcczar

    I just wanted to add that I have so much respect for u/spicy3d and others here who 3d model things. I absolutely *cannot* get the hang of Blender or other modelling apps when it comes to making precision items, and in order to build the end caps, the inner tubing, and the saw guides (for trimming the acrylic to size), I literally wrote Java code to pump out 3MF files. I mean, I’m a software developer, so what we do is avoid spending an hour learning something by spending days writing code. But, in the end, I learned a lot, and it was a blast. But… someone who knows the modelling apps could have done these parts in ten minutes. Still, it was so satisfying to have everything go together just riight.

  3. Emotional_Advice3516

    The solution to single use glow sticks, I’ve never seen anything like this sold anywhere, is this for personal use or are they a product prototype you are engineering? Brilliant illumination device. Well done.

  4. cykovisuals

    Patent the design before someone steals your idea.

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