Can anyone identify these knives for me?

by GiantTeaPotintheSKy


  1. CaptGoodvibesNMS

    Those are “First Blood” replicas. Google should be able to find them

  2. Metal2487

    Gil Hibben knives. Well, maybe they’re replicas (which I highly doubt given *those two* are holding them) but if they’re based off any Rambo knife: they’re Gil Hibben inspired.

    Gil designed and made the knives Rambo uses in the 1st 3 Rambo movies. I also believe he designed the knife Arnold’s character uses in Predator, but I’m not 100% sure.

    Edit: someone has also mentioned Microtech, and I believe they could be right. I don’t know much about Microtech fixed blades, but that one looks like a Marfione Custom/Microtech Interceptor.

  3. BeyondThePaleBox

    Yes, likely high end, mall ninja Hollywood bowies.

  4. zmannz1984

    It looks like the grinds are slightly different. Maybe one off customs?

  5. Potietang

    Sylvester must be standing up on a high chair.

  6. PeregrinePacifica

    If its Hollywood movie design I’d stay away from it. Those are usually gimmicky knives that tend to be pretty crap.

    Doesnt really matter if a good company makes them if the design was poorly thought out. Another Rambo knife I saw was a copy of a Pohlforce knife and it wasnt cheap, still garbage.

    You can also look at TOPS Punisher knife and its a disaster of a knife, both handle and blade.

    Just be careful when looking for knives from movies and celebrities as they are often more looks than function let alone practicality.

    When I see people running around with movie knives I tend to assume they just buy what looks cool and probably have a sizable collection of gas station knives and Mtechs.

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