Blown Vein From Attempted IV Placement Yesterday. Shown via My Triple Deep Red TS10.

by WheatWhacker


  1. ZippyTheRoach

    >All my bleeding was internal. That’s where the blood’s supposed to be!

  2. ihiwidid

    Will upvote, but first I have to put my head between my knees…

  3. peppi0304

    How long has it been like that? I think i might just buy a red TS10 just for that to look at my arm

  4. This is awesome! Did you show the medical staff? I bet they’d get a kick out of it!

  5. Actual_Anonymous

    I work in a children’s emergency department, and we actually have a little “vein finder” device, it’s literally just a red light that you put in their palm, but it’s not that strong so it only works on babies. Sometimes I’ve wanted to break out my own flashlight haha, but I don’t have one with red emitters, so mine gets pretty hot when it’s bright enough to shine through my hand

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