does anyone actually use these things? i can’t remember ever putting a knife back into one after taking it out and can’t figure out what else to use them for.

by nderstandablyscared


  1. beerdrew

    I store my Boker in its case when not using it.

  2. SasquatchSloth88

    You can carry a decent number of contact lenses in one for travel. 🤷🏼

  3. TopRealz

    They can be handy for traveling. I usually throw a couple knives and a couple flashlights in the massive front pocket of a checked bag for flying and I don’t want them scratching each other up

    Apart from that, no. And honestly I would like for brands to stop including what boils down to needless extra packing material. Not to mention that there’s nothing worse than when stuff like this outlives the knife it came with

  4. BuckTheStallion

    Nope. Not a single bit. I will say I ordered some replacement lenses for my sunglasses a few years back and they came in a super tiny zippered clamshell case for some reason, like a mini version of the ones pictured here. I actually use them for storing my earrings (14mm plugs) so it wasn’t a total loss. Still. I’d rather have my knife come in a simple cardboard box that I can toss. Unless it’s a collection tier knife, it’s gonna be used and/or sitting on a random shelf anyway.

  5. Kino_Loy

    i would never put a knife loosely in my pocket/bag, as soon as its getting transported its going to need protection imo

  6. Pond-James-Pond

    I put my charger and assorted cables in mine. Lives in my work bag.

  7. Custom_Fish

    The hogue pouch is actually very good. Slim, discreet and offers good protection if you drop your knife.

    The Benchmade pouch is trash though – it unthreads itself after a couple weeks.

  8. rival_22

    They seem like such a waste to me too. I’ve never put a knife back in one.

  9. 024darziWzziJ

    Pens, small electronics (for work), cables, hair ties, child’s first aid kit.

  10. M00SEHUNT3R

    I use bags like this for when I’m in the wilderness. I bring several small battery banks to recharge my Spot device or phone and I have a bag for that. A different bag has a lighter and two medicine bottles, one with fatwood chips and another with waterproof matches. This is always in my snowsuit at all times. I use others for different things at home, pens, pencils, etc.

  11. pm-me-asparagus

    I used my civvies one for finger and toe nail clippers.

  12. burnerphone95800

    Send them to me! I use them for all sorts of things. Mini first aid kits in several places, contact lenses, salt/pepper stash, batteries, etc

  13. FinishingDutch

    Never; completely useless items. It’s not like most knives are so precious that they need to be stored like that. And for the ones that are, there’s better solutions. Plus most of those are meh quality anyway and too small to store anything useful like say, a watch.

  14. milehighpewpew303

    Only when they go back into the safe lol

  15. The civivi ones make a great travel case for a watch

  16. BigfootStaysStrapped

    They make great additions to backpacks. Holds chargers, small knives, basic tools, etc. Use your imagination, they are far from useless

  17. aquaman67

    It’s one of those things that got started and now everyone else has to do in order for their product to be considered “premium”.

    It’s silly but you will honestly have people say “It’s a nice knife but it didn’t come in a pouch.”

    Don’t believe me? Watch YouTube unboxing videos and see if they mention the pouch. (They do)

  18. Probably_Masticating

    I have the Civivi one and use it to store my safety razor and blades when traveling.

  19. rockitpockit

    I got a civivi one. Put my sunglasses in it. No perfect fit, but it works!

  20. Choice-Chipmunk-884

    I use them as travel cases for watches.

  21. funksoulb34

    Yup.. I use them to take up space with no knife and get my wife mad at me. You know the main use of those things. Lol

  22. Ok-Butterscotch3843

    I use my civivi pouch for my impact bits.

  23. ImFrenchSoWhatever

    I use the Civivi pouches all the time so useful

  24. I have a few in my tool chest that I put small items into. But to use again for the knife, no.

  25. grunclematt

    If you want to get rid of the zipper pouches shoot me a DM – I’m a bladesmith and use them all the time to store and transport wares to and from shows and fairs so they don’t scratch up prematurely.

  26. I’ll pay a few bucks for shipping if you want to ship them to me. I find they’re nice for traveling with watches.

  27. Badonk529

    I have my leatherman bit kit in a Benchmade bag, in my EDC bag. Beyond that, never.

  28. Significant_Bit2246

    The Benchmade bag makes a great bag for guitar picks and a small clip-on tuner.

    I have one Boker bag that has several compartments that I use as an EDC bag with tweezers, a small pen, a small pencil, nail file, pills, in-case $20, micro SD, etc. The rest of the knife cases are just stored.

  29. Knot-Tying-Magician

    I put a couple of drivers in them (that correspond with the screws in my knives) with thread lock and keep them in certain places like work my car. If I’m on top of my game I purchase a couple of replacement parts as well, like clips and such. This only applies to the zip up pouches though.

  30. legal_shenanigans

    The drawstring style ones are great for dice bags if you’re a nerd like me (everyone on this sub is a nerd so it’s a safe assumption).

    Like others suggested, the zippered ones are good for a watch, contacts, batteries, cables, first aid, anything small).

  31. Jim_from_snowy_river

    I use them for putting my safety glasses in if they’re big enough so they don’t get scratched up

  32. Germandaniel

    I put my griptillian back in it’s bag and box every night. Like I’m tucking it in for bedtime.

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