So I just get my brand new TiTs10 today, wonderful right?
This is not my first rodeo, I have numerous ts10’s and lots of other lights with Anduril, so I get right to setting up the light how I want.
I’m hearing about how hot this thing gets, and I decide just for shiggles to see how long I can hold it on momentary turbo
Cigar grip got me thinking it was not as hot as it truly was.
I let go after 30 seconds or so, and to my surprise, the light did not turn off!
I begin frantically mashing the button, trying to get it to do something, when all of a sudden, and not because of one of my clicks, the light shuts off.
Aux returns after disconnecting and reconnecting the head, but no response from button inputs.

So I unscrew the head, trying to see if there’s something physically wrong… Turns out…

The red lead has – flowed itself off of the MCPCB.
So… Don’t override thermals on your lights, kids.

by Accurate_Pumpkin_126


  1. voodoo_three

    Oh wow. I usually set my TS10s to a ceiling of 130, they get a lot brighter than they need to considering the thermal mass available. That’s kinda crazy though.

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