So I’m looking to possibly upgrade my current headlamp (Black Diamond Revolt) as I’m planning to do some more serious hikes this year, and my eye fell on the Led Lenser HF8R
My current one has served me extremely well, but I wouldn’t mind something with a little bit more oomph
So, does anyone here have any experience with the Led Lenser?
My “main concern” is that it’s double as heavy as my current one, and I am somewhat weight conscious. Also, should I go for the core or the signature version if I do decide on it?
Just fyi, I normally pair it with something small like a rovyvon (I know these seemingly aren’t too popular, but they’ve never let me down)
Thanks a lot in advance!
Absolutely don’t get the led lesner!!! Sorry to disappoint, but its not good. Led lesner is known for bad quality, bad leds, and high prices
I can highly *highly* recommend the skilhunt h300 (nichia 144ar). I got one a few months ago, and I absolutely love it!
It’s half the price, and infinity better. You don’t even need to use it as a headlamp, you can take it off the strap easily, and use it as a headheld. It’s headband is also known for being the best headband on the market
Also, rovyvon is known for their high quality Keychain lights, its why they are always recommended when someone wants a Keychain light! It’s just that most people use larger lights instead for edc
Check out the Skilhunt H300. It’s efficient, the LED it uses produces a nice looking light, and it has built in charging. On the highest modes, it’s probably way brighter than you’ll ever *need* from a headlamp. On the medium and lower modes, it runs for forever. Or, if you want the option to have red light as well as white light, check out the Skilhunt H200.