my biggest loss was my beloved bm 950 rift, lost it last year and really miss it.
hard to get for a reasonable price nowadays, this is one of its last pics😢
i’m eager to know if you ever lost a knaf and if yes: which one was it?
let’s share our pain and wallow together in sadness😅

by Schlunggi87


  1. made_in_bc

    I lost mybenchmade contego. Mourned its loss and then went out and bought another, all black one. Month later the gf finds my old one in her car. So now i have enough for a while.

  2. Objective-Dust-8041

    Gerber the mini tool. Don’t remember the name but it was red and black. Leatherman Squirt is superior but I still miss that.

  3. Afdavis11

    Brouwer. My perfect EDC knife. I refuse to declare any knife an EDC as a result of the trauma.

  4. PM3 lightweight. Lost in the wild. And later found by a friend after a wildfire had cleared the grass. The knaf was totally fine. I was amazed.

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