Hi friends, I recently recieved my DT8K w/ 519A 4500k and linear driver. It’s probably my new favorite light, the cool factor is just through the roof!
Close behind it is the D4SV2 w/ 219b 4500k and boost driver.

I think I much prefer how objects look when illuminated by the 219b’s, however. To me, the 519A’s make things look pale and a bit yellow/green.

All in all, it’s a great light. It looks so unlike a conventional flashlight and it gets so crazy bright it makes me smile every time I light it. I’ve already blinded myself without thinking many times.

I know some think a DT8K has no business existing without W2’s in it, but I think having a light simply because the light it emits is pleasant to look at is a valid reason, too.

Next light might be a DT8K with 219b’s in 4500k 😉 Do you think the boost driver would be a bad idea for 219b’s?

P.S. don’t worry, the laundry is clean.

by fangeld

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