I just picked this one up and years ago I received one as a birthday gift a nice German one I have never used. The history behind them is interesting too they were known to be carried as weapons especially by a certain group of people for a variety of reasons.

You’ll sometimes see that in old movies especially ones set in the South. I’ve received a shave with one before but I don’t trust myself to do it myself and I definitely don’t feel comfortable carrying one in my pocket!

by Downtown_Teaching163


  1. Educational_Row_9485

    Haven’t used any other type of razor for years

  2. The upfront cost of stones and strops is a bit too much for me, I’m sticking to safety razors, still leagues ahead of that gillete crap

  3. JamesMosesAngleton

    Only kind of razor I shave with and completely worth any hassle involved in sharpening and maintaining. I’m not gonna pretend I’ve ever been in any kind of blade fight, but, while I suppose it would be better than nothing, I wouldn’t count on a straight razor for your weapon of choice.

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