I happened to come across a vendor selling the Convoy M21H that describes a GT-FC40 in the specs. Since I don’t have experience with this emitter yet, decided to order the available CCTs which is 4000k and 5000k.

What came in the mail however was XHP 70.3 Hi R9050 versions instead. I have mixed feelings about this as I was looking forward to trying the FC40s, but since I have a R70 4000k of the same chip, I guess I’ll make the most of it with a beam and tint shot comparison instead.

From left to right:

5000k R9050 (12 degree TIR)
4000k R9050 (12 degree TIR)
4000k R70 (3 degree TIR)

One weird thing I need to point out is that the R70 version in person is obviously pinkish, whereas the R9050 one is orange with no discernable tint shift. Yet on camera, it appears to be the opposite for some reason, and this is the same whether on iphone or Android cameras.

Last thing I was curious about would be the efficiency between the R70 and R9050, which you can see in the last shot, with the TIRs removed, brightness seems to be negligible on turbo, so I believe the penalty for going hi-cri wouldn’t be as severe as I initially believed.

by Altercode_F

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