Zebra Clips – Alternate screw for a little more room

by voodoo_three

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  1. voodoo_three

    I told a few people i’d put up a post on this last week, but I was out on vacation and just never got around to it.  So, sorry for the tardiness friends!  

    u/bunglesnacks u/Mr_Glow_ u/trALErun you guys were all particularly interested, so tagging you.

    Background – I’ve been using MXG clips on my Zebras, but on my 64 I must have partially stripped one of the screws because I couldn’t get it to grab.  Just kept spinning forever unless I switched back to the thinner stock clip.  So I started looking for some replacements, and found some on Amazon (see second pic).

    Zebra uses M2.5 x 3mm screws, and you can get some direct from them with a new clip.  But since the MXG clips are just a liiiiiitle thicker, I made sure to get something that had 3.5mm and 4mm lengths.  Since I was searching, I also ended up getting some flat head undercut screws—hoping that they’d give me a little more room to work with.  And they do!  It’s obviously not a huge amount of room but every tiny little bit counts with these, and in my experience it’s a noticeable difference.  They’re Philips instead of Torx, but whatever.

    Left in the first pic is a 53cN with a Flytanium Universal Short Clip—I think this is a solid clip for that little light.  It looks great on the 64c as well, but didn’t have as much tension as I’d like so sticking with the MXG on that one.  

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