I’ve had this for about 10 years it seems and I loved it but it finally completely stopped working. The brand is Ozark Trail. I’ve checked stores and Ozark Trail’s website. No luck.

I keep it in my truck and it’s perfect for that. Very bright and it’s a lengthy, hard metal body. I want to find one just like this if possible. Doesn’t have to be this brand. Thanks in advance.

by ImAParadoxNOT


  1. NapalmDreaming

    O’Reillys Auto Parts has bat lights. Usually below the register counter.

  2. FanceyPantalones

    Acebeam p20. The new standard for beat stick. I don’t think anybody makes an actually decent light in bat shape as many as we see on here. This Ace beam would be a better pure weapon in my opinion than a bat shape. More medieval functional. And as far as light quality, it’s a great light. Sofirn and Convoy make a slightly cheaper version of the same feel.

  3. chickentenders17

    I miss Walmart having those. Mine is orange and black.

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