Just got this D1K in the mail. I’ve been waiting for it to get to me for a while but it was worth the wait! I love the rosyness and the extra freebies that came with it. I’ll have to test it tonight against my other D1K’s in terms of beam and throw. I got the same emitter in a X1S I want to compare. This is my current favorite emitter :))

This is my 2nd time ordering from UKflashlightstore, and I’ve had nothing but good interactions with Nelson and d45. I was told that the updating ports would be covered but I come to find out that they’re exposed :0. I also asked for some DC fix which I was curious to try and I got two free samples!

The first order I wanted to buy a 3D printed diffuser for my HT30R, which I got, plus some freebies. I got a free button switch removal tool (made of PLA) because I had mentioned my first one broke. As in the teeth were too soft so when I tightened the switch rings it lost its ability to tighten the best. The other one was a 3D printed diffuser for my D3aa plus a little stand for it. It doesn’t work the best upside down because I have to balance it so it doesn’t fall but it work when it’s right side up. Oh it also glows green in the dark.

Overall I’m happy with the new Light and the freebies. I’m really excited to see how the potted-ness does over time. I also have two other lights I haven’t posted which I will do later as well.

by Throwaway3218929373

1 Comment

  1. DropdLasagna

    I didn’t know u/D45 offered potting at ukflashlightstore! That’s ballin. 

    Superb light!! I wonder what the new FFL 9090 size will be like in a D1K.

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