TL;DR: Looking for a compact lightweight LEP with at least 1km of throw. Currently considering Amutorch BT35 or Lumintop Thor II V2. Any other similar LEPs? Has anyone used these models?


* Throw: >1km
* Size: ~<45mm head
* Weight: Preferably under 200 grams
* Price: Max $€£ 200

The LEP will be used alongside a conventional flashlight (DT8K 519A dd) while on the move: On walks, hikes and runs.

Currently considering:

**Amutorch BT35 | $100 at Neals with code**

* ~450 000 cd
* ~1300m throw
* 18650 only
* 162g with 18650 cell
* head diameter: 32mm | actually somewhat pocketable
* good UI: low/high only, though has mode memory
* good beam quality for a LEP? (According to /u/timmcmahon’s [review]( Also in /u/Funtastic28’s [Piercing the Darkness video review]( the beam looks pretty neutral next to an Osram LED)
* 1Lumen review:

**Lumintop Thor II V2 | 123€ at AE (including 25.5% VAT)**

* ~740 000 cd
* ~1700m throw
* 18350 / 18650 tubes included
* 132g with 18350 cell
* 169g with 18650 cell
* head diameter 42mm | larger, but still okayish
* reasonable UI, though has strobe behind double-tap
* beam quality…? Seems tad colder, with smaller hotspot. Maybe some tint shift?
* 1Lumen review:

1Lumen has direct size comparison between the two models here:

Also considered Mateminco FW2 / Astrolux WP4, but its beam quality seems inferior: greenish with some tint shift / artifacts. *I may occasionally use my lights (including throwers) for photography. LEPs traditionally have quite ugly beams, but some seem better than others.*

Weltool has some suitable models, but above my budget.

Aside from those, did I miss any LEPs?

by sissipaska


  1. sissipaska

    As background:

    Have a Noctigon K1 W2 with ~1.5km throw. Due to the large head (72mm) it rarely sees actual use. So looking for a more compact, lighterweight LEP that’s not too far from K1’s throw specs.

    I’m quite torn between the BT35 and Thor II V2. The Amutorch seems like the better LEP for actual usage (UI, light quality, size), whereas the Lumintop is more gimmicky with its AUX leds and strobe behind double tap – but the higher throw still allures me. It also comes with a 18350 tube, though that doesn’t make the head any thinner..

    The flashaholic inside me says:
    Maybe the BT35 would be better for now, as then I could get an actual super-thrower later on without any size considerations? 😀

    Both of these (and the Mateminco FW2) were included in /u/ChibiM’s LEP comparison video, if anyone wants to see some beamshots:

    Also /u/grzybek337 has beamshots with the Thor II V2 and WP4 (FW2) here:

  2. What code are you using for Neals site? For me it’s $132.95 without battery

  3. MuppityMcMuppetface

    Nothing comes close in terms of size to throw ratio wow of Thor 2.

  4. grzybek337

    Mateminco FW2 and tbr Amutorch BT35 are going to have the same beam profiles. Both confirmed by the specs measured by 1Lumen and visually (also from his video):

    So the comparison of the FW2 and the Thor 2 on my website you link in your comment should be really close to how the Thor 2 will compare beam-wise to the BT35.

    What I did when I didn’t know which to choose was… buy both of them lol. I managed to sell the Thor pretty quickly (and I only sold it because I already had the Astrolux WP3, and the WP2/FW2 is nice and shiny).

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